EQ Piercing



What are we doing to keep you safe?


Our jewelry is the safest, and highest quality our industry has to offer. What makes our jewelry so wonderful?

Steralization and Procedue Protocols

Meet the heart of our operation: The Statim 2000 G4 Autoclave.


What makes this machine so special?

The Statim 2000 G4 is one of the fastest and most reliable autoclaves on the planet. It is a cassette autoclave. This machine has a small removable chamber (the cassette) that allows full sterilization of our jewelry and piercing instruments in just under 10 minutes! This cassette can also be safely transported between different areas of the shop without the contents sterilization being compromised.

It is a class S autoclave, which means it can safely sterilize hollow instruments like piercing needles and receiving tubes. It achieves this by continuously purging steam through the chamber during the cycle.

Why use this type of autoclave?

Because the Statim is so fast and effective, it allows us to fully sterilize our instruments and jewelry immediately prior to use. That means you will witness us removing your items from the autoclave at the time of your procedure.

How do I know the instruments and jewelry are as sterile as you are claiming?

Before every piercing, we will have you initial one of our class 5 integrators. As the middle bar darkens from the red to the green, it shows that the autoclave has been at the appropriate temperature for enough time to fully sterilize the contents. Upon removal of the items, we will show you the same integrator that you previously initialed, proving it was the same one.


In addition to the integrators being used, we also run bi-monthly spore tests to ensure our autoclave is functioning properly.

What is a spore test?

A spore test is a method of testing an autoclave against one of the most resistant microorganisms; the bacterial spore. A third party testing facility (Mesa Labs) sends us a spore test kit in the mail. We run the test strip through our autoclave and send it back to them. They test it in their facility and send us the results.

We are required to do this every month, but we test every 2 weeks.

spore test

How do I know you are handling the instruments and jewelry without compromising sterility?

We use a combination of aseptic technique, surgical skin prep products, and sterile gloves to ensure we maintain a sterile field during your procedure. All of the piercings performed by our technicians are done so with sterile gloves.
